Mico is almost six months old now. I think he is just about done growing. He is almost as big as his brother Max. He still has one ear that does not stand up, but we are hopeful it will. His ears have so much fur on them I think it is just top heavy. I keep telling the kids I bought a Papillon that would have two standing ears and we may have to return him!
Mico loves to be around us. He is such a people dog. He no longer spends his nights in his kennel, he much prefers sleeping with us or Cody. He is very good about staying in one place all night and does not get up until one of his peoples do.
We have put a doggy door up (thanks Aunt Judy) and he has become used to that and has not had an accident in the house in weeks. I am SO grateful for that!
Mico will NOT settle down until everyone is in bed and settled for the night. One night he came in and got in bed with me. Cody was still up watching his new favorite show The Alaskan Experiment and Mico kept getting up to check on him and then would come back to bed but would not fall asleep. Finally, when Cody went to bed, he was able to relax and sleep.
The other day Casey and I went to the park for a playgroup date. We took Mico along. He loves to go, go, go and makes it difficult for us to go anywhere without him. He races us to the door and gives us those, well, puppy dog eyes. He makes it really difficult to close the door and say good bye.
He enjoyed the park and took a nice long nap on the couch when we got home. You know it was a good day when you can wear out the energizer puppy!