Tuesday, March 4, 2008

beach doggie

We went to San Diego this past Sunday to Mission Bay.

At first when I put Mico down on the sand he didn't like it and seemed to be walking on his tip-toes.

But after just a minute or two he decided it wasn't too bad and wanted to play. First he had to try to wrestle that pesky lead off.

He couldn't get it off so he tried to pretend it wasn't there.

He SO loved running up and down the beach. We each took our turn running him. I so wish we could have taken his lead off and just let him run and play but he is still too unpredictable, and I wasn't so sure he would come back.
As soon as we got in the car he collapsed on my lap and slept the whole way home. He recharged and was ready to play again as soon as the wheels hit the driveway...


rosemary said...

My goodness can that puppy get any cuter?

Anonymous said...

We miss puppy! Where has he been lately?