Monday, December 24, 2007

healing steps

Cortney and I went to see the our pups brothers a couple of nights ago. They are two weeks old and they are HUGE! (It made me realize that our pup was just not thriving.) They are SO cute and and SO sweet. I could have sat there and held them and petted their soft fur all night, as could have Cortney. Above Cortney is holding her favorite and my favorite. My favorite is the one facing the camera. He is the biggest of them all.

This little guy facing the camera is Cortney's favorite. He is a super sweet little guy too. They are just starting to open their eye's. I would love to have them both.
Cortney is holding all three now, they just curled up in her lap and went to sleep. They are just so sweet. I think I already said that. Really, it is impossible to pick between any of them. We are going to wait and see what their personalities are like. It would be nice to take all three but that would be impossible. We will have to make a choice eventually. They each have one ear that is just starting to pop up, so cute.

I am holding my favorite little guy here. Honestly, I could have held him all night. He would make the sweetest little puppy sounds.
We are healing from our loss. We have good memories of our pup and are looking forward to providing a loving home for a healthy pup when the time comes.


Robin said...

so happy you are healing! They are adorable!

Anonymous said...

Awww they are all so cute. I would have a hard time choosing as well.

Unknown said...

Aww!!! They are precious! I love puppy breath.